Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Back to the mat...err..eventually

So I haven't posted in a long while. My quest at being accountable didn't last long huh? Posting pictures of myself in a bra and shorts wasn't exactly the best idea I have ever had.

The truth is, I met someone and I got lazy. When I started this blog, I was on a "single girl" quest to be my hot self - I was back into yoga full swing and I was eating better. Then I met my boyfriend, Turkey (NO, Turkey is not his real name). Turkey is my amazing boyfriend of the last 9 months. He is amazing, wonderful, and fabulous. But, when I was given a choice, I chose to spend time with him over yoga. I liked our nights out, trying new restaurants and delicious cocktails. In a sense, I am the happiest I have ever been...but I am also the chubbiest. How could I let this happen?

Now, don't get me wrong, Turkey is the best thing that has ever happened to me, but I need to get back on track.

So I will be starting the HCG diet in the next couple of weeks. I am meeting with my doctor tomorrow and I will be doing this medically supervised. I know that some people are not supportive, but those closest to me are or should be. A good friend of mine did this diet with much success and her support and tips will mean a lot to me.

Perhaps I will post pics again. I wonder if I look the same as April's photos. I definitely have a little more "love" on my handles ;). Before I start the diet and start loading, I am going to squeeze in a few bikram classes. I plan on continuing some light yoga during the protocol (some doctors advise against exercise, others encourage walking, yoga or stretching).

1 comment:

  1. I've done..and am back on HCG. I LOVE IT! It's tough, but so worth it!
    Where do you do Bikram? Once I'm done with this HCG period, I want to get into Bikram. Looking for a good studio. -tammy
