Monday, March 28, 2011

Checking In...

Weekends are HARD.

So I have been a bad blogger (again). I am working on it, people...

Weekends are so packed with friends and obligations these days. I am not sticking to "the plan" that I should be - the cheats add up and I end up about 3 pounds above my LIW. Not good. But I am hoping that this weekend was an exception. We had so many friends in town and a lot of social obligations so it was difficult to sleep enough, work out enough and make good food choices. I weighed down again this morning, so that is good. Only 1.2 over LIW. Phew.

Sleep is KEY to weight loss and weight maintenance. Never made the connection before this diet, but I definitely see how adequate sleep is so important. Now that I track my weight, I have definitely noticed a pattern in my weight and hunger - when I do not sleep 8+ hours, I am hungrier and I hold on to more weight. When I sleep, I weigh less and I make better food choices. That is something I can control and that feels GOOD!

In an effort to get better, more quality sleep, I made a very difficult decision. I have transitioned both my dogs to sleep on the floor instead of with me in the bed. They were waking me up in the middle of the night and crowding me out of my own bed! I couldn't continue that way. The transition has been much easier than I expected and I think I feel worse about it than they do. I have a strong emotional attachment to sleeping with both my dogs because I have been sleeping with either one dog or both almost every night for the last six years. In the long run, I know that they will be better dogs, understand boundaries that that it will make life easier when the Turkey decides we are going to shack up. :) It will be hard and I will have some sad moments, but it is worth it.

So despite the fun and food-filled weekend, I am going to eat clean this week, get to bed on time and try to get some workouts in. I am going to try a new type of heated yoga called Sumits yoga. Should be fun and challenging. I am excited to try something different. Hopefully I will get my bikram in this week as well.

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