Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Back to Bikram

So I did my first Bikram class since HCG and it was difficult, both physically and emotionally.

I don't look the same. My body is re-shaped and therefore, my practice is very different. I need some time to adjust to seeing this new person. Even though I lost weight, my body looks much different now than when I was this weight before. Very strange. I need to get some of that tone and muscle back but the BossLady tells me that a lof the re-shaping happens in P3. Gonna trust the BossLady on this one...

I am also not as flexible as I was when I was practicing regularly before. That will return in time, as will my stamina. There were people that I used to practice with that noticed the difference in my weight, and that feels nice. But my mind couldn't escape the negative thoughts tonight.

I got pretty emotional in the final poses because I was exhausted and embarrassed. I know that when practicing, I need to leave everything "outside the room" but it kept creeping back to me when I was struggling and lacked stamina. I was more consistent when I was heavy. I know it will come back and probably be easier. I had set myself up for disappointment by thinking a "thinner" me would make practice so much easier and that I would be able to execute all the poses without any trouble. But my body could not simply keep up with the calorie burn and I lost steam in the final minutes.

I think I need to get in some complex carbs on days when I do bikram - perhaps a banana or some melba with peanut butter. It is difficult to sustain a practice not eating carbs. Lesson learned. Going back on Thursday night and I will let everyone know how it goes:). This time, I will try to leave everyone outside the room .

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, I didn't know you had a blog! I am so sorry I haven't been following! But I look forward to doing so now!

    Way to go on your weight loss! How exciting! And you were not in my category at all... people who email me directly are usually very nice and thoughtful- you included. :) It is those people who hear you lost 24 lbs in 23 days and want some of that without regard to any sort of manners. :):)

    take care!
